Every time I have to install TNPM the first thing I do is to ask myself: Do I have all I need? This looks a simple question, but if you consider that you need to download at least 10 different installation packs (yes 13GB), and match the compatible versions, this can take some time.
Another important question for me, especially when a new version is released: Are the installation instructions correct? Are they guiding me to the correct way of installing TNPM?
Unfortunately, this question proves to be more pertinent than I would like it to be. For instance, I already raised a very important issue when installing TNPM 1.3.2 about using the root user to install the TIP portal. TNPM 1.3.2 did that without fear and even finished with a chmod -R 777 <portal_home> in the end...very smart. IBM recognized the issue included some instructions on how to install the portal as non-root.
Well, how surprised I was, while reading the instructions for TNPM 1.4.1, to see that we have to install the portal (now called JAZZ) as the root user and do a chmod -R 777 <portal_home> as the post installation step. This is not necessary or even mandatory and absolutely not recommended for a public portal.
So, I hope the following posts will help you to do the it in a better way.
One important remark!!
Despite I will use only official IBM tools to install the different packages and no tricks, it always comes back to you to decide on the consequences of not following the official instructions (even if they are not good). It is your call, not mine, to make sure everything works on your environment. IBM support can eventually deny their support if they see your public portal is not running as root and all application files do not have the 777 permission.